
Submit to NYU Annual Survey of American Law

General Submission Guidelines

The Annual Survey of American Law invites submissions of unsolicited Articles via Scholastica.

The Annual Survey of American Law will not review submissions for inclusion in its Articles section if the sole author is a current J.D. student (at New York University School of Law or elsewhere). We will consider Articles co-authored by J.D. students if one of the co-authors is not a current J.D. student.

Content Requirements

Content: The Annual Survey of American Law publishes both current surveys of specific areas of law, and articles discussing recent developments in and ramifications of a particular area of the law. As a practitioner-focused journal, an ideal article in our journal will include a section discussing how developments in the law are likely to play out in future litigation, legislation, or practice.

Length: The Annual Survey of American Law is committed to publishing work that is concise and readable. We encourage submissions of fewer than 30,000 words, including footnotes.

Citations: Citations must conform to the Twentieth Edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.

Abstract: Please include a short abstract with your submission.

Expedite Requests

We consider each manuscript we receive using an extensive review process, which can take up to several weeks. In the past, some authors have been faced with the pressure of having to make a decision about an offer from another journal before we are able to complete our review process. If you have received an offer of publication from another journal, please request expedited review of your submission via your author submissions account on Scholastica, and our editors will be immediately notified of your deadline. Rest assured that we have received your expedite request even if we are not able to immediately issue a response.